Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The hunter

Arecibo - Costa Rica
Parkes - AU
Green Bank - USA

Which telescope has been the best Radio Pulsar chaser in the world so far? We have three candidates: Arecibo (300 m fixed antenna also featuring as guest actor in 'Contact' with Jody Foster), Green Banks (100 m swinging antenna in West Virginia) and Parkes (70 m swinging antenna in Australia).

Exercise to the reader: guess the winner!

A few hints:
  • All of them are in quite - radio quiet location
  • Two of them points towards the galactic center (more pulsars) one towards the galactic anticenter
  • Two of them can follow sources one of them cannot
  • One of them is run by the same people who run the ATNF Radio Pulsar catalogue.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, don't forget Parkes' starring/title role in "The Dish" (2000)!

