Monday, May 16, 2011


The conference is over, and everyone has returned home! Thanks again to the organizers for a stupendously well organized conference!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

In Catania: Airport operating normally

All flights are leaving on time. I'm on my 7:30am to Milan as I write
this, with no delays. Safe travels, everyone!

Update on Catania Airport Closure

According to the Catania Airport website, the airport is closed until 6am (morning) Friday May 13th.

However, according to the Eurocontrol website Catania airport is closed to incoming flights (but not outgoing) until 4pm (afternoon) CORRECTION: 0400 UTC Friday May 13th. I do not know how this information is rectified.

In Catania: photos of eruption

At the webpage linked below you can download the photos taken by Michael Gabler last night, from the city center and from somewhere near the Rifugio Sapienza (cable-car station).

Just click on "Free downloading", wait 60 seconds and again "download the file".

Congratulation to the photographer!

Eruption photos

O. Benhar: Many-body aspects in the physics of Compact Stars

A question put to the speaker: "What one thing would you like astrophysicists to take home from your talk?"

His response: It is tough to to study r-modes from neutron stars when you take the
equation of state from one dynamical model,
thermodynamic properties from another dynamical model, and
energy gaps and critical temperatures from a third dynamical model.

Etna Eruption

We are coming close to the end of the Compstar meeting and Etna volcano decides to erupt. Here is a couple of pictures taken by Michael Gabler.

Thursday: Mt. Etna closes airport until at least noon

At midnight last night, Mt. Etna erupted, visible from downtown Catania, according to students at the conference.

The eruption has closed the Catania aiport until at least noon today. Visitors may wish to investigate alternative transport and lodging to accommodate this. Since it's impossible to predict eruptions, and how long it will take to re-open the airport, visitors should be proactive about alternative plans.

EDIT: if you have any additional information about this, please add it to comments below. Thanks!

1:00pm Update The airport is now closed until at least 4:00pm, because wind is blowing ash across the runways. This will severely delay flights throughout the day.

2:19pm Update EUROZONE, which distributes information on European airport closings and status via its twitter feed.